Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24: Donated Gloves To The Gospel Mission

As anyone from the Northwest knows, it can get pretty chilly during the winter! When you go outside you want to be bundled to keep the frigid out. But, what if you didn't have anything to bundle up with? Even more so, what if you didn't have a warm place to call home?

Right after the hustle and bustle of Christmas, my mom and I ventured into Target. Just like so many other items, they had hundreds of paris of gloves on sale. I thought to myself, "it would be nice for someone who was out in the cold to have a nice new pair of gloves." They were only $1 for a pack of two pairs, so I bought a few pairs and trucked them back to Spokane with me. I waited to donate them because I was in a bit of a culture shock when I moved to Spokane. I was so taken back by how many homeless people there were and how many people needed our help.

Today as I was driving, a man was standing on the street corner with a sign that read," Anything will help." Ok sir, if it's anything you want, how about a pair of gloves? I offered him a pair and he graciously accepted. Then I had about 10 pairs left and made my way to Storage Solutions. They accept donations for the local Union Gospel Mission. If you're in the Spokane area, I know there are several places that take clothing, furniture or monetary donations.

Have a random act of kindness you would like me to try? Comment below.
God bless,

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