Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23: Sent Flowers

 Today is a very, very special day! A very important person, who is near and dear to my heart, is celebrating a birthday! She is my beautiful grandma or Grammy as we know her! When I was growing up, Grammy and my grandpa- aka Grampsy- were very involved in my life and were incredible role models for my whole family. Not to say my other grandparents were not because they were, but  Grammy and Grampsy babysat when my parents were at work and were always around for Christmas!

When I was a junior in high school, my grandpa fell victim to the awful Alzheimer's disease. Although my grandma was hurting, she was so strong and even through rough times persevered. She has been, still is and always will be one of the strongest people I know. The picture below is on my Facebook and the caption reads, "my inspirations"-my mom is also in the original photo. They truly are my inspirations and I know that I wouldn't be who I am today without their tough love, unconditional love and encouragement.
(Grammy and I at Miss Tri-Cities 2012) 

Usually, I would be heading her way to celebrate with her, but since I am at school now the distance is just a little too far. On Monday night, I sat and thought about her upcoming birthday and pondered about how I could show her my love, no matter the distance. To me, a phone call wasn't enough and a Facebook message-yes, Grammy is on Facebook- didn't even come close! And as I sat there, I began to cry...and I am tearing up now as I write this. I can't remember the last time I wasn't there to celebrate with her and that hit me hard. If you haven't caught on, the significance this woman has held in my life is immense.  After stepping aside to contain myself and prevent myself from looking like a blubbering fool in front of my roommates I returned to my computer.

I came across this beautiful bouquet of flowers, seen below. I decided that a women so elegant and beautiful should receive something just as magnificent. I loved the colors and thought it would be perfect since Valentines Day is just around the corner. I was able to add a sincere, short and sweet message and I only hope that it is able to bring a smile to her face on her special day!

Grammy, if you are reading this, I just want you to know how much I love you and how much I appreciate you. I truly wish I were there. Happy birthday!

Have a random act of kindness you would like me to try? Comment below.
God bless,

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