Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 75: Donated to Hope House

This quarter I took a course called Community, Communication and Citizenship. In the course we were asked to complete 20 hours of service learning at several different local organizations. They included Boys and Girls Club, West Central Community Center, Hope House, Women's Hearth and Cheney Assisted Living. The point behind the service learning is pretty self-explantory, meaning that we would learn by being of service to the organizations. At the end of the quarter, each group of students was asked to make a video. You can see my and Rebekah's video on West Central Community Center by clicking here. This last week, each group presented their videos for the class to see. All of the videos were incredible, but there was one in particular that stuck out to me.

Women's Hearth is place where women can take refuge throughout the day. Then the women usually trek over to Hope House for shelter from the cold evenings. Each women receives food, a warm shower, clean and dry clothes, a warm bed, hygiene items and resource information. In the group's video for the two organizations, one of the employees expressed their need for hygiene products and food, especially during the spring and summer months. She mentioned that they receive most of their donations during the winter months (which is appreciated), but they need donations now too.

Acquiring this information and knowing I would be downtown this morning, I dropped off several cans of food and a few things of deodorant. It was not a lot, but that will help make a dent in providing supplies to over 1,800 homeless women in Spokane. If you would like to donate to either location, I would suggest calling ahead because there is not always someone there to accept donations. Here is the Hope House website. For your information, they are directly affiliated with Volunteers of America. 

God bless,

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