Meet Jordyn Hall, Miss Lewis County 2012
What is your platform titled?
JH: My platform is Character Counts; Supporting prevention of youth bullying.
How can others get involved with your platform?
JH: Just treat everyone with respect, or if you see someone being picked on, stand up for the targeted person! Because after all that's what a person with a morally sound character would do.
Why did you choose this particular platform?
JH: I chose this platform because I was severely bullied in high school by my so called best friends. Which in return, made me drop out of school, lose my self worth and made my GPA drop to an all time low. But don't worry! The next year I gained enough self confidence to return and I was a stronger and happier person.
(That is the beautiful and intelligent girl I know! You go girl! ^^)

This platform is so imperative because so many children experience bullying in different magnitudes. Whether it be a snide comment or physical bullying, bullying is bullying. I, myself, was also fell victim to rude, insensitive and arrogant people, so I definitely can relate. Take a stand, sign the petition and practice what you preach!
As Ellen DeGeneres says-
Be kind to one another.
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