Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 120: The Miracle Project

A little earlier in the year I asked Facebook friends if they had any ideas they may have for acts of kindness. A friend had suggested an organization called "The Miracle Project." This is a group which works to create community for children with autism through music, movement, theatre and film. Because April is autism awareness month, I figured I would take this opportunity- seeing as it is the last day in the month- to donate to the organization.

I checked out what the website had to offer to learn more about what they do and what they stand for. There are several classes that are offered in California and New York. Also, I found several videos better describing the organization and their mission, which states:
"THE MIRACLE PROJECT supports, nurtures and inspires children, teens and young adults with autism and other developmental disabilities as well as their families, through innovative socialization skills, and transformational life building protocols.

We are dedicated to providing a positive and nurturing environment for individuals with autism and their families while building a community of knowledge, acceptance and joy."
In addition, I found this fabulous picture that better illustrates the statistics of autism.

After exploring for a bit, I found a place where I could donate any amount of money. I decided to make a small donation, as I am sure every dollar counts and is appreciated. This was a fantastic way to learn and spread awareness about autism and finish off, yet another great month. 

God bless,

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