Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99: Donated to March of Dimes

This afternoon I had to run to the bank and came across a very sweet opportunity. Banner Banks across the state of Washington are asking for donations for March of Dimes. While the bank teller was helping me, I found the brochure advertising the march in Spokane. When I looked at the website, I found several other walks in Washington state that you can find here. When the teller returned, I asked how I could help and that is when she informed me that they were accepting donations. I donated $5 to their growing amount. Then I was handed a card to write my name on, which would be displayed in the bank.

The mission of March of Dimes is to help moms have full-term pregnancies and research  the problems that threaten the health of babies. Their research spans from premature birth, birth defects and infant health.  What I learned is more than a half million babies are born prematurely each year. Forty percent of the time, doctors are unsure why the infants are premature. Also within a year, over 120,000 babies are born with a birth defect. 

I now encourage you to look more into a walk in your area. Whether it be actually walking in the march, donating a few dollars or even just researching to see if your area has a run. 

God bless

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