Meet Daniela Ferrell, Miss Northwest 2012

What is the title of your platform?
DF:The title of my platform is "Be The Match: The Global Bone Marrow Registry"
How can others get involved with your platform?
DF: Something you could do would be to register to be a bone marrow donor (if you're feeling bold), get a friend to, or simply spread awareness.
Why did you choose this platform?
DF: I chose this platform because 5 years ago my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma and needed a bone marrow transplant but there were literally no matches for him in the world. Most people don't realize that the odds of finding a match is extremely slim and for the majority of patients who need a transplant, it's their last chance at life.
After doing a little more research, I found that there is a lot more to know about bone marrow transplants then most people are aware of. For example:
- There is a 35% chance that a patient will have a sibling who has a perfect match.
- This year over 130,000 people will be diagnosed with a blood disease.
- Only 2% of the population is currently on the registry
- About 1,000 people die yearly because they were not able to find a match.
It is incredible what you can learn when you take a minute to inform yourself. Now, I may not be brave enough yet to volunteer myself for needles, but I know that there are many brave souls out there! I encourage you to do your homework, see what you can learn and possibly become a donor!
God Bless,
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