Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 145: Shared An Act Of Kindness

Today is a little out of the ordinary. I would like to take the opportunity to share several other acts of kindness that I have encountered and others have shared with me.

1. Submitted by Kenzi Novell:
My friend's parents bought her a new car for her college graduation present and at dinner they gave her old car to the waiter!

2. Submitted by a Teressa Shively:
I was inspired by your blog, so I bought a tank of gas for a lady at the gas station. When I told her the tank was on me, the woman couldn't help but break down in tears. 

3. Submitted by an anonymous friend: 
A friend of mine and her (ex) finance had just called things off and she gave her engagement ring to a homeless man on the street.

4. Submitted by an anonymous friend: 
This evening at dinner my father offered to pay for a man across the restaurant in his military uniform. When he asked the waitress to pay for him, she explained that someone else had already offered to pay. I guess there really are good people in the world. 

5. This is an act of kindness I experienced:
My mom and I were at Dairy Queen about a week ago and lady seemed to be choking (not to the point of the Heimlich I might add), that my mom rushed her, her a glass of water. The lady was so incredibly grateful. 

I really liked this idea, so if you have an act of kindness that you have done or witness please send them my way! 

God bless,

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