My morning started off bright and early, as I ventured home for a weekend full of celebrating mom, service and a little sun! When I finally hit Tri-Cities, I made my first stop at Ruth Livingston Elementary School and met up with Janae Calaway, aka Miss Washington Outstanding Teen! I was her humble assistant as we visited a first grade class who helped us tie fleece blankets for children at the hospital. The kids were all so willing to help tie the edges of blankets and help make a difference in lives of other children. After we finished tying the 3 blankets, the kids then make cards for children in the hospital that said things like, "get well soon", "be happy", or "smile=)". I had so much fun working with the kids and talking to each of them. For some reason, they thought it would be funny to made me guess their names instead of just telling me. We giggled a bit as I clumsily tried to pin point EACH of the kids' names...and then middle names! Overall, it was so much fun to see how eager they all were to help out and lend a hand to someone else. This is why I love working with kids, they can do amazing things if given the chance!

With that said, I quickly wanted to touch on another project I was SO fortunate to help Janae with. A few weeks earlier, Janae had asked the children to collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Whichever class brought in the most tabs would get a doughnut party. Below is a picture of Janae and I with probably just half of the schools tabs. I think it is safe to say that the kids blew us out of the water with their contributions! Again, the kids were so excited and so eager. They chose to make a change and that they did!
"Praise youth and it will prosper"- Irish Proverb
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