Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 59: EWU Teddy Bear Drive

Eastern is in their 15th day of 26 days of kindness which is run by the Office of Community Engagement. An event that caught my attention the other day, was a teddy bear drive. The Office of Global Initiatives' goal was to receive 26 teddy bears in honor of the 26 children from Sandy Hook. All the teddy bears collected in the drive would then be donated to Sally's House. Although I was unable to find the original flyer, I did find this little excerpt from their online page

Sally's House is safe place in Spokane where children are taken when the law must intervene. The Salvation Army is directly affiliated with Sally's House. This facility deals with dangerous home issues such as; drug use in the house, failed foster placement, abuse and/or neglect, an incarcerated parent, and sexual offense within the household. You can learn more by clicking here

After I saw the flyer asking for teddy bears, I immediately thought to myself, "I totally could do that." For those of you who don't know me, I used to love and collect teddy bears. Especially, beanie baby bears and Build-A-Bears. At the moment, they are sitting at my house not being as loved as they could be. So when I went home, I shuffled through my bin of bears and found the perfect bear to donate. I know that this fluffy little guy is going to go to Sally's House, where it will be loved and appreciated by young girls and boys! 

If you live in the Cheney or Spokane area, you too can donate to the Sally's House teddy bear drive. They are accepting donations until March 11. 

God bless,

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