A while back, I came across the coolest site named Sevenly. Each week Sevenly chooses a cause and sells merchandise to raise money for it. For example, for each $20 t-shirt they sell, $7 will be donated to that week's cause. The merchandise usually has a cool slogan on it that is relevant to the cause. For that week, the site is transformed in correlation to its campaign. At the top of the site, you will see the total shares, as well as, total donated. There you can also find information about this week's campaign. Because the campaign is only good for a week, there is a countdown, so you know how much longer you have to donate. Also, If you have a cause that is important to you, you can recommend that particular cause! To me this is an ingenious idea!
This week Sevenly is focusing on Hurricane Sandy relief. Since the hurricane, I have been trying to figure out a way to lend a hand. When I saw that Sevenly was helping, I figured I could totally use a new tee. Especially, since a portion of the money goes to a good cause. The shirt I ordered is pictured below and reads, "Can't stop the heart beat east coast."
This is the video posted on their site about this week's Hurricane Sandy relief campaign.
Follow them on all social media sites to see what campaign is next!
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