Tuesday, December 31, 2013

DAY 365: New Years Kisses & Reflection

We did it! 365 days under the belt. And when I say we, I mean it. This entire year would not have been possible without everyone who supported me. Without my parents, I can sincerely say I would not have made it. Also, thank you to all of my friends who jumped onboard to help me think of ideas and helped me complete several acts. I can safely say that the last year has flown by and has definitely been a test for me. I have learned so much about myself and about people in general. Before I reflect back on the year, first let me tell you how I rounded out the year.

With the new year just around the corner, people anxiously wait for the clock to hit midnight. Some look forward to a brighter future, while others look forward to that moment when the clock strikes 12 so they can kiss their loved ones. Well, for those of us that who don't have anyone to kiss, I am here. However, my kisses are in the form of chocolate. I boxed up a few mints (so your breath is just right) and Hershey kisses to help ring in the new year. Along with the chocolates and mints I added a note that read, "Happy New Year! These kisses are mint to brighten your day." Then my dad and I ran around and handed them out to people and placed a few on cars outside of the grocery store.

So…now that I have officially completed 365 days of kindness, it is time to take a look back. As mentioned, I can't believe how much I have learned within one year and they are listed below.

I don't say thank you enough. I went through the year going above and beyond to express my gratitude and what I found was pretty amazing. People are great. They do great things on a daily basis. They don't expect large praise or fame, but I think all they really need is recognition. They like to know that they are appreciated and what they do matters, because it does. It is awesome to see what their reactions are when you simply say thank you. As the new year rolls around, I dare you to say it more.

I don't stop to "smell the roses" enough. So many times this year I would be looking ahead to what is to come and too busy planning my future. I tend to do this often. I don't allow myself to truly live in the moment and enjoy the present. This is something I am really working on.

People will amaze you. With so much hate and anger circulating throughout the world, it is nice to know that not all of my hope in humanity is lost. Throughout the year, I have met and interacted with people that have astounded me. People still want to make the world a better place. You just have to give them a chance.

Opportunity IS out there, find it. Anything you want and everything you want is out there. Sometimes it takes stepping outside of your comfort zone to go find it. It may require some work and time, but time will pass anyway.

Don't just count your blessings, give them a tight gracious squeeze. If there is one thing that I repeatedly thought, it was, "wow am I blessed." I have  enumerate blessings. Too many to count. While working with people who are less privileged than I am, it really made me appreciate the things I have.
A smile NEVER hurts. It is a scary thought, smiling at a stranger. I mean I can't believe Im the only one who thinks, "what if they took that smile the wrong way?" Truth is a smile is almost always returned with another smile. Again, I dare you to try this one.

Just do it. Nike said it best. If you have your heart set on something, just do it, say it, show it. Whatever! You may not always get the result you want, but at least you're not asking what if?

Those are just a few things that have come to mind. And I know I will continue to reflect on this year because it will be one to remember. I also plan on continuing my blog with new features like my travels and my bucket list. For now, I will focus on school and graduating in six months. You can follow this journey I call life on my twitter and instagram @kailee_dunn.

One year ago today I wrote,
"Every once and awhile I will participate in a random act of kindness without the intent of a thank you or praise, but to instead inspire others to do the same. When an opportune moment presents itself, act! I guarantee somewhere down the line that act will be appreciated and hopefully duplicated. In fact, that is how I got here! "

My hope ultimately is to have inspired at least one person to do something nice for someone. You all have inspired me! Happy new year my friends and God bless all of you.

Until next time,

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 364: Did Something Nice For Firefighters

Each day that I drive to work, I pass a firefighter station. Every time I drive by, I think about bringing them something and today I did. Also located near where I work is an Albertson's. After work I ran over to Alberston's and bought 2 bags of their delicious cookies that they sell for $5. Then, I ran them into the fire station, which they were thankful for. I really just wanted to give back to our local heroes. Every once in and awhile they need to be appreciated too!

One more day!
God bless,

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 363: Care Package For The Homeless

As the holiday season winds down, I reflect back to realize just how incredible blessed I am. I have so much and have so much to be thankful for. Sadly, not everyone has something they are grateful for. For example, in Spokane we have a large homeless population. Throughout the year I have been able to give back to them in various ways, but I have never constructed a care package for them. So in a box I put some essential living supplies like tooth brushes and tooth paste and snacks like beef jerky which is full of protein. I intend to deliver it when I am back in Spokane this weekend!
God bless,

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 362: An iPod For Music & Memory

Music & Memory is a non-profit organization that uses music to stimulate memories to enhance the quality of life. According to their website;
"We train nursing home staff and other elder care professionals, as well as family caregivers, how to create and provide personalized playlists using iPods and related digital audio systems that enable those struggling with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive and physical challenges to reconnect with the world through music-triggered memories."
To play the music, they use devices such as iPods. One of the cool things you can do for this organization is donate an old and unused iPod. If you are interested in donating, there is instructions on how and where to mail the iPod..

My cousin told me about this organization, which I thought was really cool because we lost our grandfather to Alzheimer's. Since losing my grandpa to the awful disease, I am more aware of the efforts being made to fight it. So, I was really excited to help their efforts and donate a gently-used iPod.

3 more days!

God bless,

Day 361: Target Surprise

This evening I had to go to target and got the idea that I wanted to share the love with someone else. I bought a $5 giftcard and left it on their car with a note that said "Happy New Year!"  

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 360: Allowed Someone To Cut In Front

Well, it looks like we made it through another Christmas! However, the craziness continued today at all retail store, especially the mall. And like the mad people my mom and I are, we braved the crowds and ventured to a few of the stores. Lines twisted and turned and looked like they could go on for days, like Disneyland long. Who in their right mind would stand in those lines? Or right, my mom and I. While standing in line at Old Navy a women seemed a bit frazzled by the whole situation. Seeing her distressed eyes, we allowed her to cut in front of us and with an ever grateful smile she accepted.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 359: Delivered Cookies On Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all are having an incredible day! I know I have. I have spent the day with my family, played a few games and enjoyed a delicious dinner (that I could actually taste, despite my cold.) However, not everyone was  as lucky as some of us and were not able to spend the day with their families. Each year some companies make the unfortunate decision to stay open on Christmas. This means some employees have to work.

I wanted to do something special for those stuck at work, so my mom and I made 4 dozen homemade cookies. This afternoon my dad and I delivered the cookies to a Circle K and Rite Aid that were nearby. The employees behind the counter at both stores were quite frazzled and had a moment of disbelief. I was asked, "are these for me" and "you made these for us?" After the confusion subsided, the gratitude poured in. Each employee said thank you and Merry Christmas, but I also heard "How nice of you" and "I love cookies!" I am happy to put a smile on their face on Christmas and it's easy to say mission complete.

Again, Merry Christmas and God bless!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 358: Delivered Christmas Blankets

Twas the day before Christmas
and all across the land,
people finished their shopping,
while my mom and I helped to lend a hand.
The volunteers gathered at Kennewick Center of Care,
With smiles, hugs and warm blankets to share.
The blankets were divided and Santa hats were on heads,
While the residents were nestled all snug in their beds.
With blankets in hand we were off in a quiet patter,
to visit with residents and show how much they truly matter.
At each room we would stop to hand out a gift,
We said "Merry Christmas" and were out in a jiff.
Even though we mostly just said hello,
I believe our trip meant more than we know.
However we had a great conversation with Mary and Mavis.
They were so sweet and kind and happy to have us. 
We walked away with a bigger smile and friend
and 94 blankets were delivered in the end. 
We said our good byes and drove away from the site,
and now I wish Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Thank you to Kennewick Care Center for allowing us to visit them and their residents! Also, thank you to Shelly Meyer for organizing such an incredible event. What a beautiful day it was and I am so glad I was able to share it with those lovely folks. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 357: Regal's Promise For St. Judes

For the past two weeks I have been really under the weather that today I finally had to go to the doctor. Unfortunately, I was more sick than I had expected. Because of my sickness, I have pretty much been bed ridden and not able to complete physical acts of kindness. However, I did receive something in the mail today that will do just the trick.

My family received a letter from St. Jude's asking for a $20 donation. However, the great thing about this is if you are to donate, then a local move theatre will match your donation to St. Jude's. I think this is not only a great way for me to give back to an incredible organization, but also for a local company to create goodwill.
God bless,

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 356: Spread Holiday Cheer

The best way to spread Christmas cheer maybe singing loud for all to hear, but I decided to spread cheer in a different way. One of my families favorite ways to celebrate the holidays is decorating, especially outside...
Fun fact: My dad actually made the snowman in our yard

I wanted to gift someone with a fun holiday decoration that they can use for years to come. I found this beautiful wreath and my dad and I left it on a neighbor's porch with a Christmas card. 
God bless,

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 355: Donated Interview Clothes

This year I came across an organization called Dress For Success. What they try to accomplish is providing disadvantaged women with professional attire for interview and the professional world. Here is a list of the 125 affiliates located worldwide. This website provides addresses in which you can donate your gently used attire. Unfortunately, the closest to me is in Seattle. The address is
1118 5th AveSeattle, WA 98101
I have plenty of professional clothes and a couple pairs of shoes that I have outgrown from Miss Tri-Cities or DECA. I was happy to gather them up and ship them off to Seattle where hopefully they will come in handy for another strong independent women. 

God bless,

Day 354: Liked Hammermill

Like and share Hammermill's page on Facebook and they will donate money to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 353: Parked Out Further

Well, I was able to finish my Christmas shopping. The mall was chaotic, as are all the story at this time of the year. This means that the parking lots were even crazier. I was driving around and actually came across a spot somewhat close to an entrance. However, on this particular day, I decided to leave that spot open for someone else. Instead, I parked further out, much further out. What are a few more steps going to hurt me?
God bless,

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 352: Overtipped A Waitress

This evening my parents and I went to Sterlings for dinner. I have only been a few times, but each time I have been so satisfied with my meal and the service. Sometimes, those working in the food service business don't get the correct recognition and appreciation they deserve. Our waitress was a younger women who was indeed working very hard, not just for us but for all her tables. My dad and I thought it was a good idea to leave her a little more we usually leave. Hard work should be rewarded.
God bless,

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 351: Paid A Stranger's Layaway

"He puzzled and puzzled til his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. Maybe Christmas, he thought…doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps…means a little bit more!"

This is one of my favorite quotes from the Grinch. With Christmas ads springing up around us as soon as the day after Halloween, it is sometimes hard to forget that Christmas is not all about buying and gifts and presents. This is something I think I've started to learn as I get older. For me, it is about the birth of our Savior, my family and friends and about giving back.

Today, I hope I was able to suppress the thought of gifts and materials with my act of kindness. Each year around this time, stores like Walmart and Toys R Us do layaways for the copious amounts of toys they sell. With the other stresses of the holidays, I thought it would be nice to relieve some stress for someone by paying a complete stranger's layaway.
I was near Toys R Us, so I walked inside and explained what I was hoping to do. The two employees behind the desk were very helpful and I think a little shocked by what I was asking. When the idea finally clicked with one of the girls she said, "Oh, that is so kind," and proceeded by printing out someone's layaway receipt.

I have no idea who the person was or what they bought, but I am hoping that it makes their christmas a little more merry.

God bless,

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 350: Diapers For Inland Northwest Baby

I think it is incredible what the younger generation is cable of. No one should ever count us out. In fact, a few years back a young man from Spokane started an incredible organization called Inland NW Baby. Their mission is to provide diapers for those families not able to provide them for themselves. They are always in need of diaper donations. According to the website, their number 1 priority is diapers in size 4,5,6 and pull-ups.
Now, I know diapers are not the most inexpensive thing. However, I was able to find a good deal at Target. You can drop off donations in Spokane from Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 12:30-4:30. Visit their website by clicking here.

God bless,

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 349: Allegiant Makes A Wish

I am fighting a nasty cold/ cough so I will try and make this short and sweet! We all know that the holidays are about making wishes come true. Allegiant would like to do just that. For every share of the video below on Facebook, Allegiant airlines will donate $1 to Make-A-Wish!

God bless,

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 348: Christmas For The Forgotten

During the cold and frigid winters, there is nothing I like more than wrapping up in a warm cozy blanket. And if there is something that I love more it is getting cozy with a blanket and spending time with my family. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to see their family during the holidays or some may not have family to visit with. 

However, an incredible women from Tri-Cities didn't want those people to be forgotten during the holiday season. A week or so ago, Shelly Meyer started an event on Facebook titled, "Those Forgotten at Christmas." She goes on to explain her motivation behind this incredibly thoughtful task and then presents her call to action. She says, 
As many of you aware.... My dad has been ill and is currently in a skilled nursing facility (nursing home) until he can get strong enough to move into an assisted living facility. 
When I arrived at the Richland Life Care facility I saw so many elderly people that are there for the entirety of their living days. It was VERY sad to say the least. MOST of them do not have any one to come visit them.
As the nurse, Mary, was showing us around, I noticed they were decorating for Christmas. I asked her if any of these people have anyone to visit them at Christmas and she said "No." She said "unfortunately, they people are disposable and it's heart breaking." I can not imagine leaving any family member there to die.....
Of course this is NOT acceptable!!!! My sister, Jacque and I were talking about what could be done for these folks for Christmas. We came with the idea of buying them nice cozy holiday blankets. There are 72 elderly living in this facility.
This is my idea:) I am hoping to get enough donations from kind hearted people to either donate money for us to purchase a Christmas blanket OR purchase a cozy Christmas blanket yourself to donate. I would be more than happy to share my paypal account info to allow people to donate. If this creates funds for more than 72 blankets, then the remaining will be donated to the Living Care Center is Kennewick.
Something needs to be done for these people that will brighten their day and make them feel like they are not a burden to society. 
Although Shelly and I had never met, I admire her so much for doing this that I just had to help. My Mom and I ran to the store and bought a very snuggly red and green plaid blanket. When we dropped the blanket off with Shelly, she explained that the idea has exploded and they have over 160 blankets for residents at three retirement facilities. She is still gladly accepting donations and you can learn more by joining the Facebook event. There you can also get updates about donations and learn how you can help to deliver the blankets on Christmas eve!

God bless you Shelly.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 347: Miss Liv's Christmas Miracle

A week or so ago I was invited to like a page on Facebook that a friend had created. The title of the page is "Miss Liv's Miracle." After further inspection, I learned that my friend Beth's daughter was trying to collect 100 coats for kids who don't have one. However, that was't all I learned. This is a message from the page, written by Beth:

2 years ago, on Dec 19, 2011 at 8:05am, Liv and I lost all our monetary and worldly possessions. At that exact moment I thought, “All we have is a car, a dog and $2.00; and we are 1200 miles from family and friends!” What Liv and I would find out over the next 2 years is that we were rich beyond our wildest dreams...
We want to be a link. We want to link those we know with a need, with those we know with a gift. Maybe you will put a coat on that little boy at your bus stop who comes every day without one. There is one of those kids at our bus stop, the inspiration for Liv‘s 100 Coat Drive. Is there one at yours? Liv and I see them now, more than we ever did before. We see them because of our experience. If you don’t know who may need your gift, please bring them to us. If you know someone who has a need but you can’t provide it, bring that need to us. We will help link the need and the provision. You can bring donations to Creations Salon and Spa at 97 Keene Road, Richland; or pm me and I will pick them up.

You can read more and stay up to date on their donations by liking this Facebook page. 

Today, my mom and I went shopping for coats and what better place to look than Burlington Coat Factory? We each found decently priced coats, one for a boy and one for a girl. Later, I ran the coats to Creations Salon, which is where you can drop off your donations as well! The address is 87 Keene Rd in Richland. 

According to Beth they have received 30 coats, 3 pairs of boots, 2 bags of childrens clothing and enough hygiene products to make 30 gift bags. As you can tell, they have already done an incredible job, but still need your help! 

God bless,

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 346: Christmas Tree For A Cause

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree. How lovely are thy branches? One of my favorite parts of the holidays is picking out a real tree with my parents. I am so grateful that they still get a tree every year and haven't resorted to the odorless fake tree. There is nothing quite like walking into the house and inhaling that sweet and spicy scent of pine needles.
Today, we got our glorious tree. We picked it out from a church just down the street from our house. The great thing about this tree farm is they have beautiful trees that are reasonably priced and the money goes to a good cause. All the proceeds from the Christmas trees pays for church members to go on mission trips to third world countries. If you are in the area and would like a nice tree, the church is Lord of Life Lutheran Church near Texas Roadhouse. Go check them out!

God bless,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 345: The Giving Tree

My mom's work has decided to do a giving tree through The Salvation Army. If you get a chance stop by and pick up a Christmas tree tag. Each tag has a toy recipient's name, age and wish for a toy. My mom and I have done this for the past four years now and I really enjoy it because you are for sure granting a Christmas wish. Tags can also be picked up at the Columbia Center Mall. The gifts need to be returned by Monday, Dec. 16.
My family's Christmas gift is for 2 year old Giselle. She wanted a baby doll.

14 days until Christmas!
God bless,

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 344: Brighten My Roommates Day

The thing about life is it is unpredictable. There are the ups and there are downs that we all must go through. We all know this. However, when something unfortunate takes place unexpected, I think it almost always takes us by surprise.

Last night, one of my roommate's cars was broken into. Both fortunately and unfortunately, the only thing actually stolen was her purse…and all it's content. To add to it, the thief not only stold her purse, but then proceeded to clean her bank account out. She spent all day talking to her banks, the police and the credit card companies. Obviously, no one deserves this and I felt so bad for her.

I wanted her day to be a little brighter, so I decided to surprise her. With no money, it's a little hard to buy food, so I brought home dinner. Then, I left a card on her bed with a Starbucks gift card in it. I know that if something terrible like this happened to me, I wouldn't expect anything from anyone, but I would definitely appreciate it. I hope my mission was accomplished and I was able to, if even for a second, make her day better.

God bless,

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 343: #MyFitWish

Today's is very simple and for a good cause that is close to my heart. I want everyone who has a twitter to log on right now and take part in this. It will be really easy and take but a minute. I love when social media works to make a difference in the world. So here it is! For every tweet sent with the hashtag, #MyFitWish Athleta will donate money to Girls on the Run. Athleta is the national sponsor for Girls on the Run and strives to share the mission of building strong girls. Girls on the Run is fairly new in the northwest, but it is an incredible organization for younger girls! Learn more about the organization by clicking here.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 342: Operation Christmas Child

When I was younger, I remember going to the store and buying goodies for other people. I wasn't sure what gifts were for, but I remember putting them in a shoe box. As I grew up, I realized that the box of gifts were for an organization called Operation Christmas Child. The gifts are then sent to third world countries for children that don't necessarily receive gifts.

Lucky for you, it is not too late to purchase stuff for a someone in need! Just decide if you will be buying for a young girl or boy and choose a few things from this list to put in your box. I decided to buy for a little girl and have the items in the picture below so far!
You can then click here to find a national location to drop off your donation, or I would check a local church.

God bless,

Day 341: Jumped A Car

After the freezing cold football game, the other Kailee and I were heading to our car when another student asked if we could help give her a jump. Despite the cold, we gave her a hand and helped her get on her way!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 340: Face Painting For Military Families

Campfire USA, as previously mentioned, is one philanthropic focus for my sorority. This is an organization that takes the leaders of tomorrow and allows them to lead today. Tonight the girls of group Running Deer helped Santa hand out gifts and candy at the Carousel Christmas Party for military families. Campfire also had a table set up for kids to get their faces painted. Four of my sisters and I played artist for the night and were able to be the volunteer as the face painters.
Now, it was an interesting night because I really have no artistic ability. I blame my brother- he is an incredible artist. No matter the fact, I had an incredible time talking with the families their and even more fun interacting with the kids there. So many of them have such large imaginations. One kid asked if I could paint a frog on one cheek- not my best work- and then proceeded to ask for an EWU eagle on his other cheek. Then there was his little brother that asked for Spiderman…who was shooting a web and attacking a bad guy. Oh my! Well, I'm not sure how well they turned out, but I tried my best! I had so much fun and the girls and I even got to meet Santa and ride the carousel. 
God bless,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 339: A Million Reasons To Believe

For the past few years at this time, Macy's sets a very special red mailbox out on the sales floor for children to write letters to Santa. For every stamped address letter to Santa, Macy's will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish foundation. Macy's will donate up $1,000,000 for any letter received before December 24th. Each Macy's should have a bright red mailbox somewhere in their store, so keep your eye out!

Tomorrow is National Believe Day. Tomorrow only, Macy's and Make-A-Wish will join together to go above and beyond their original goal. Make-A-Wish will be granting Wishes Across America and Macy's will donate $1 for every letter received, above the existing $1 million limit. This means if 1 million letters are received just tomorrow, Macy's will donate $2 million! That is so incredible! If you are out and about and need to do some Christmas shopping, I suggest you drop off a letter for Santa. No one is ever to old to write a letter to Santa!

God bless,

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 338: Salvation Army & The Red Kettle

We have all seen it. We have all heard it. Every year around this time bell ringers for The Salvation Army stand in the cold ringing their bells; hoping that those who will pass by will drop some spare change in their red kettle. Well, now the red kettle has expanded online. For example, my Uncle Doug is a "virtual bell ringer" and is currently trying to fundraise online. You can donate to his page by clicking here. Online donations must be greater than $5. However, when you are out and about trying to finish you Christmas shopping,  I still highly encourage you to drop your change into an actual red kettle. Remember, every little bit counts.

God bless,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 337: Donated To The Union Gospel Mission

Recently my mom found that the Union Gospel Mission has a specific place for women and children to go. They are always in need of supplies to keep the women and children warm and well bathed. Online they have a list of items that are needed. When my mom and I found the list, we went to the store and bought hygiene products, school supplies, gloves and socks. In addition, we donated gently used blankets and jackets. As I said, they are always, always, always looking for donations. Now, that the weather is becoming frigid, I highly encourage you to look inside your closet and pull out an old coat or  blanket that you aren't using anymore.

There are locations in both Spokane and Tri-Cities.
The address in Spokane is
1224 E. Trent Ave.
Spokane, WA 99202
Here is a link for immediate needs.

The address in Pasco is
112 N. 2nd Ave.
Pasco, WA 99301
Here is a link for immediate needs.

God bless,

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 336: Campfire Kids & Cookies

This evening several of my sorority sisters helped decorate cookies with a local Campfire USA group. The specific group of 11 kids is also known as Camp Running Deer and located in North Spokane. Together, we decorated dozens of sugar cookies with tasty frosting and heaps of sprinkles- of course. These cookies will now be delivered to a local senior citizens home and Spokane's VA hospital. All of the girls were so willing to help in any aspect and we all had a great time decorating. Several of them may even have a future in dessert decorating. However, I am not one of them, so I will stick to what I know! Overall, it was a very successful evening!
God bless,

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 335: Holiday Mail For Heroes

Happy December everyone! Isn't it crazy that we only have one month left in the year? I can't believe that in 30 short days I will have completed my goal of 365 days of kindness! Eek! However, before I celebrate, I have 31 days- including today- to really spread some holiday cheer and make a difference.

We all know that Christmas is quickly approaching and another day to gather with loved ones. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to come home for the holidays. Those who have selflessly chosen to defend our country, will be doing just that and will not get to come home just yet. Well, I wanted to send a little love and appreciation to our soldiers, so I found several holiday cards to send their way. A while back I found a website with an address to send your holiday mail to. This organization will send on your letters and make sure they get in the hands of our heroes.The address is listed below.

Holiday Mail For Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capital Heights MD 20791-5456

I may not have written a lot in each card, but I was sure to express my gratitude and appreciation in each one. Even if one person is able to draw encouragement from a card, then my job will be done. Hopefully the grateful note from home will be a reminder to those serving, how much our country loves and supports them. I encourage you to write a letter as well. I think we'd all be amazed how far a positive letter goes. If you would like to write a letter, I would also encourage you to do it soon, seeing as it has a long ways to travel! 

God bless,