Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 166: Color Me Rad

Bright and early this morning, a few friends and I trekked out to an empty race track to run in the Color Me Rad 5K race. For those of you who are unaware, Color Me Rad is a color run in which runners are drenched in colored paint and powder. I am not sure what motivates people to voluntarily run and get colors thrown in their faces, ears and mouth, but I was one of them and boy was it fun! I would highly recommend a color run to anyone. As you run, volunteers at "color stations" dowse you with different colors. There is so much powder in the air, that the runners are literally in a haze for a few seconds. You couldn't see but a few feet in front of you. When you escaped the haze, you could look down and see a new vibrant color attached to your clothing and/ or skin. Many people wear white (as we did) because you go in looking one way and come out looking completely different.

Like many other awesome 5K runs, the proceeds from this race were donated to Peak 7 Adventures. Peak 7 Adventures is better described by the site as: 

"Peak 7 targets youth who are underprivileged or have been labeled "at- risk". We provide a positive alternative to the typical behaviors and habits that youth in our society often fall into. Peak 7 takes youth on whitewater rafting and kayaking, rock climbing, and backpacking trips to challenge them spiritually, mentally and physically, encouraging them to evaluate
what they put their faith in. These once-in-a-lifetime opportunities have an immeasurable impact on the participants and promote all-around healthier lifestyles. Peak 7 Adventures is a grassroots outdoor adventure non-profit organization aimed at taking young people into the wilderness to show them the wonder of God's creation. Wilderness adventures challenge participants to expand their horizons by fostering trust relationships and team building skills."

And with thousand of participants running, I am sure the Color Me Rad team was able to make a good contribution to Peak 7. As I said, I would highly recommend this run to anybody. Even if you don't consider yourself a runner, this is an incredibly fun race and the money goes to a fantastic cause!

God bless,

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