In June, I had the honor of being a part of the first ever Eastern Washington alternative break trip. Eight other students and I boarded the plane to Maui, Hawaii for a week of a lifetime, serving as volunteers for Habitat For Humanity. Throughout the week, I grew closer to each of my new comrades and walked away with eight new and very dear friends! We all stayed at Iao church in Wailuku- a very non-tourist area near the mountains. Habitat for Humanity provided us with air mattresses and sleeping bags. We all slept in one room, so for seven nights it was like a giant sleep over. At first, I was a little apprehensive about sleeping in one room with eight complete strangers, but looking back, I wouldn't have had it any differently. Each night we all would gather on the air mattresses and journal as we recapped the day's events. Honestly, that was one of my favorite parts. I have countless inside jokes from just sitting on the beds talking. We were there for a little over a week and as you can imagine we worked hard for Habitat, but had an immense amount of fun along the way!

(Night 1- blowing up mattresses)
DAY 168: Offered Up My Seat
Let's get started! Day 1 of the trip and day 168 started with us waking up quite early to catch our flight. We flew out of Spokane and made a stop in Seattle. From there it was a direct flight to Maui! A great amount of the day was spent flying. However, I was still able to complete an act of kindness while on the plane. I am telling you, opportunities to do something kind for someone are everywhere. On the flight to Hawaii, I was seated next to an older gentleman's friend. The gentleman had a seat a few rows up from where we were sitting. When I realized the situation, I didn't have a problem offering my seat to him. In return, I would take his seat just a few rows away.
When we arrived in Hawaii, we had just enough time to find where we were staying, grab some dinner and watch the sunset on the beach! We went to bed early, knowing tomorrow would be a long day full of hard work.
DAY 169: Installed Appliances
The following day the group and I headed to the work site to meet our Project Manager, Ronson. Our work began at an apartment complex in the heart of Wailuku. However, this was not your average apartment complex. Habitat for Humanity Maui owns certain buildings where single working mothers can stay. The buildings were being renovated with wood floors, new windows, a new refrigerator and oven, and re-textured walls. Several more experienced volunteers were helping to put in windows and we were assigned to appliances. Boy, that was an experience! The halls weren't too big and the elevator seemed to be even smaller. Groups of us worked to maneuver the refrigerators and ovens through the halls and into the elevator and back out again. My friend Lindsey and I took charge of an oven and were surprised to find the recipient of the new appliance at home. She and her son were just moving in. This was probably one of the best parts of working on site because Lindsey and I got to interact with someone who our work was affecting. Listening to her story and how appreciative she was for Habitat and our group made the experience that much more worth it.

This day was a lot of heavy moving so it didn't last all day, but it did wear us out. We were ready for a little beach action after that.
DAY 170: Textured Walls
Well, some of us got a slow start on day three due to car troubles. But, if anything that time waiting for AAA was spent bonding and laughing at the situation. When the other half of the group finally arrived at the work site, there was plenty of work to still be done. Our group had moved on to another building that needed to be textured. I was taken back by how hard and strenuous this process was. The picture below shows me trying to spray the mud correctly onto the ceiling. The funnel looking thing at the top was full of the muddy substance that must have weighed 20 pounds. After a while, your arms start to ache and you can't help but have someone tag you out.

After work, the crew and I headed up a mountain to visit Iao National Park. Many people know Hawaii to be nothing but beautiful tropics and beaches, however, hidden in the mountains are lush green plants and spring water. Needless to say, this was an incredible afternoon immersing in a very different side of Hawaii that not everyone gets to see.
DAY 171: Hung Dry Wall
Our next day started out bright and early, but fortunately it was not for work. The incredibly giving people of Habitat set up an early morning canoe trip with the Kihea Canoe Club. I forgot how much of a work out canoeing can be, but boy was it worth it. The view was incredible and once we reached a safer point near a coral reef, we all jumped into the refreshing ocean water. In addition to an amazing experience, we even learned a little more about the culture. The Hawaiian culture strongly believes in embracing the sun and the water and the power they can harness.

After a little bit of fun and learning, it was time to get down and dirty…quite literally. Today was all about hanging dry wall and mudding. While waiting for the texture to dry in the room, it was time to hang the walls in other rooms. Some of us drilled the dry wall into place, while others mudded over the corners and holes from the nails. After a while, the groups would switch roles. This way we were all to learn how to do everything.
After work, we traveled to Lahina and had dinner at the infamous Bubba Gumps! This little area is so beautiful if you are ever on Maui!
DAY 172: Worked In The Habitat Office
On day 4 of our trip we were able to assist with the office side of things. While a group headed off to the work site to finish up some texturing, the other half of us bound books for the new residents of the apartments. Essentially the books are there to answer any questions they may have and also offer financial advice. While we worked, we spoke with the ladies who are truly the backbone for this organization. These women work endlessly to plan remodels, find deserving recipients, plan fundraisers and so much more. For me, this was really cool because it was a side of the organization I wasn't expecting to see.
When the work day was finally done, we took a trip to another beautiful spot on the island called Big Beach. I found it funny that even though we were on one island, the sand could be so diverse from one side of the island to the other. Big Beach was soft warm sand that reminded me of brown sugar while Mākena Beach was gray and grainy.
DAY 173: Worked In The Restore
This day was all about completing small but important tasks. The crew and I worked inside the actual Re-Store at the Habitat for Humanity office. This is where people can donate gently used appliances, furniture and home supplies for others to buy for a less expensive price. Our day at the shop consisted of organizing supplies, rearranging furniture displays and crafting for the Home Owner's Trade Show the following day. There was no work for us to be done at the work site because a company was hired to install cabinets.
When our tasks were complete, the crew did what tourists do best. We shopped! We shopped at the local flea market, the mall, on the side of the road. You name it we shopped and we found some good deals.
DAY 174: Worked the Home Owners Trade Show
Our last day of actual work was a mixture of jobs we had completed throughout the week. There was a little texturing, a little mudding and a little office work. Our greatest focus for the day was helping at the Maui Home Owner's Trade Show at one of the schools. We ran two different booths and helped to orchestrate games for kids and helped to answer questions that people may have. Here we were really able to interact with the people of Maui and meet several other Habitat volunteers.
DAY 175: Thanked God For His Beautiful Creations
The day before we departed was a free day essentially. A day for us to really explore the island and relax. Again the Habitat for Humanity crew came through and set up a snorkeling trip for us. We adventured out to a much smaller island called Molokini and snorkeled the reefs there. After, the boat took us to another point called Turtle Town. What an incredible sight it was! Not many people can say they were able to swim with sea turtles.

After a long day in the sun, we had an incredible BBQ with the board of directors of Habitat for Humanity Maui. The BBQ was held at one of the board member's condos at sunset. The view was absolutely breathtaking. I have never seen anything like it. And it was in that moment that I wasn't thinking about leaving tomorrow or anything following, but I was truly in the moment. For me, it is in those moments when I am so grateful for everything I have and so grateful to God for blessing us with his beautiful creations. I took just a second and said thank you to God, thanked Him for His beautiful creation.
DAY 176: Deemed Honorary Eagles
On our final day in Maui we cleaned up camp and headed to the Re-Store. There we said our goodbyes and thank yous to the fantastic team at Habitat. Before leaving, we had a surprise for a few of the workers and gave them each Eastern memorabilia. We deemed them forever our honorary eagles. Then it was off to the airport, where we said our final goodbyes to the beautiful island and the beautiful adventure.
Woo! That was a long one!
God bless,