This weekend is a very busy one for me. Among the many things I have going on is a family reunion. Within my family are many kids that could bring a smile to anyone's face. Several members of my extended family even made the trip to watch me compete for Miss Washington about a month back! (Thank you!) There is one little girl in particular, who is a little firecracker and I would say one of my biggest fans. Although I was unable to see her in the audience at Miss Wasington- for obvious reasons- I still heard nothing but great and encouraging things about this young girl. After Miss Washington, my mom relayed to me that my second cousin Angela, loved every minute of watching me compete and even deemed me, "My Princess Kailee." As a titleholder, this is a very humbling experience. We work to inspire young girls, such as Angela, and hope to be good role models for them.

Today, I had the opportunity to finally get to meet my biggest fan! She was very enthusiastic and very excited to meet me. She, from the stories I had heard and the smile she greeted me with, had already given me so much without even knowing. This precious 8 year old had reminded me once again why I do what I do and reminded me that one person can really make a difference. With her giving me this gift, I thought it was only proper to reciprocate. During Miss Washington, I gave my mom a crown to give her and a Miss Northwest t-shirt. She brought both to the family reunion and I thought it only fitting that this princess get her crowning. I placed the crown on her head, snapped a few pictures, and signed her t-shirt. It was the most I could do for my "little princess."
Once again I am reminded that sometimes we set out with the intention of making the difference, when really it others who are making a difference to us.
God bless,