Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 201: SafeKids

It is that time once again! Miss Tri-Cities 2013 will be crowned this evening and I couldn't be more excited. Before this happens, I would like to take a minute and look back on one fantastic girl's year. A year ago, I crowned the phenomenal Halle Goodwin and she was off on an incredible journey. This July, I had the opportunity to compete with her at Miss Washington. I have loved the time I have spent with her and I know she will go off to bigger and better opportunities. Let's meet Halle.

1.) What is your platform?
HG: SafeKids- Preventing Unintentional Injuries

2) How can others get involved with SafeKids?
HG: Johnson & Johnson will donate $1 to SafeKids for every photo you share on the Donate A Photo app!

3) Why did you choose this platform?
HG: My mother is the ordinate of the Benton Franklin chapter of SafeKids. I've been volunteering with them since I was 10. When choosing a platform, it was a natural choice!

As Halle mentioned, you can give back to kids safety by uploading a picture onto the app called Donate A Photo! You can upload a new photo once a day. It is so simple and anyone with an smart phone can do it. I whipped out my iPhone and I uploaded the app.  Once I uploaded the photo, I was informed that I had just donated $1 to kids safety thanks to Johnson & Johnson!

God bless,

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